Friday, September 01, 2006
With that in mind let us introduce you to genius John Roberts who invented the very cool dashboard widget known as iCOS or "iComicsOnSale." Providing weekly shipping updates beamed directly to the convenience of your desktop, this little morsel of brilliance gives you instant satisfaction and keeps you abreast of what comics are being released each week.
technorati tags:comics
Posted by
Tom Ray
12:18 PM
Ed Benedict , 1912-2006
Ed of course, after animating and designing a couple decades worth of classic cartoons is most known for creating the original Hanna Barbera TV Style. Ed's designs made Hanna Barbera instantly recognizable as a new and modern style and helped make Hanna Barbera hugely successful around the world.
all kinds of stuff: Ed Benedict , 1912-2006
technorati tags:art, entertainment
Posted by
Tom Ray
12:13 PM
McDonald's Succumbs to Hedgehogs' Needs
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has campaigned for years against the containers, saying hedgehogs had died while trying to eat leftover ice cream from discarded cups. Campaigners said the opening in the lid was large enough for hedgehogs to stick their heads in, but not to get them out again, and that animals not rescued by passers-by had died of starvation.
Newsvine - McDonald's Succumbs to Hedgehogs' Needs
technorati tags:current events
Posted by
Tom Ray
11:56 AM
Man Lives to 112 Despite Junk-Food Diet
LOS ANGELES — George Johnson, considered California's oldest living person at 112 and the state's last surviving World War I veteran, had experts shaking their heads over his junk food diet."He had terrible bad habits. He had a diet largely of sausages and waffles," Dr. L. Stephen Coles, founder of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of California, Los Angeles, said Friday.The 5-foot-7, 140-pound Johnson died of pneumonia Wednesday at his Richmond home in Northern California.
Newsvine - Man Lives to 112 Despite Junk-Food Diet
technorati tags:current events
Posted by
Tom Ray
11:51 AM