BONES_SKELETON - Horror Movie filming in Madison
The greatest Alien Invasion/Horror/Disaster* Movie is being filmed in Madison, WI. Once again, the people who brought you BUCKYSTEIN are back at it again with a film about a loan Zombie fighting a hoard of Sewer Infesting Space Aliens set on destroying the Earth!I know, hundreds of causes ask you to be a part of the solution! BUT, I'm asking you to be part of the problem!JOIN US (Madison, Wisconsin, WI) IN OUR QUEST TO MAKE THE GREATEST SCI-FI MOVIE EVER!!! This group is for anyone interested in working on Geoff Lafayette Production's ZVA: ZOMBIE VS. ALIENS (AKA:BONES SKELETON & THE TOILET OF TERROR!) Our Last Movie, BUCKYSTEIN was a huge success and this outing promisses to be bigger, better and GI-NORMUS-LY COOLER! Ya, I said, "gi-normus-ly"
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