How to make roses from maple leaves
How to make roses from maple leaves | - a lifestyle blogzine
A nice picture tutorial on how to make maple leaves into roses
Blogged with the Flock Browser
A podcast/weblog of items on the internet I come across that interest
me while I'm having my morning coffee.
How to make roses from maple leaves | - a lifestyle blogzine
Posted by
Tom Ray
6:54 PM
Section: art
At the end of the first Teen Wolf movie there is a guy in the bleachers that exposes himself. I guess the editors missed it, but it is pretty obvious.YouTube - Teen Wolf Exposure
Posted by
Tom Ray
11:05 AM
Section: entertainment, pop-culture, video
Green at WIRED NextFest: Paper that Self-Erases After 24 Hours XEROX : TreeHugger![]()
Recycling's better than sending good paper to the landfill. Even better is not printing in the first place. But there's still a lot of stuff that comes out of printers and some studies show that more than 40% gets discarded on the day it was produced (and a lot of the rest gets discarded not much later, or gets stuffed in a box and is never looked at again).The researchers at XEROX looked at that problem and came up with a paper that self-erases within 24 hours and can then be re-used.
Posted by
Tom Ray
10:49 AM
Section: technology