Crap you already seen Volume One
Blogged with Flock
A podcast/weblog of items on the internet I come across that interest
me while I'm having my morning coffee.
Blogged with Flock
Posted by
Tom Ray
12:04 PM
Section: entertainment, pop-culture, video
Ok, so technically the following words aren’t misspelled. They’re misused. The reason you should review this list is because a spell checker won’t correct these for you. Make sure that you’ve got foolproof control over them (especially if you tend to write around 3:12 AM like I am now). Extensively misusing them throughout your posts may actually cost you a visitor or two every now and then because some folks do get caught up on these, which means they won’t focus 100 % of their attention on your incredibly valuable content!10 Most Misspelled Words in Blogs | The Probabilist . com
Blogged with Flock
Posted by
Tom Ray
11:50 AM
Section: pop-culture, technology