Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Your Daily... for Aug 2, 2006

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Ted Leo + The Pharmacists

Ripley's Comic for 02 Aug 2006

The Art of Ray Fenwick

Mel Gibson's Wild Night in Malibu

Mel Gibson
In the hours before his arrest, Mel Gibson partied at Malibu's Moonshadows restaurant, regaling the patrons with stories about his family, his films -- and religion. At one point, Gibson put his head in his hands and said, "I am drunk,"

ABC News: Mel Gibson's Wild Night in Malibu

You gotta love the internet. I knew someone would have photos of this night.

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The Milky Way over Utah

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download  the highest resolution version available.
If sometimes it appears that the entire Milky Way Galaxy is raining down on your head, do not despair. It happens twice a day. As the Sun rises in the East, wonders of the night sky become less bright than the sunlight scattered by our own Earth's atmosphere, and so fade from view. They will only rotate back into view when the Earth again eclipses our bright Sun at dusk. This battle between heaven and Earth was captured dramatically over a rock formation at Capitol Reef National Park Utah, USA in 2003 May.

APOD: 2006 August 1 - The Milky Way over Utah

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Clues to 'Black Paul Bunyan' Found

NEW HAVEN, CONN. — Archaeologists excavating the 200-year-old graves of a slave family said Tuesday that they recovered several artifacts that could shed light on the life of a man dubbed "the black Paul Bunyan."However, the scientists uncovered no genetic material from Venture Smith, who is depicted in tales as a 6-foot-1 lumberjack slave whose fabulous feats of strength helped win his freedom. They had hoped to find DNA that would trace Smith's life back to Africa, filling in the gaps of one of the earliest and most important slave biographies.

Newsvine - Clues to 'Black Paul Bunyan' Found

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