Jeffrey Tambor Confirms Arrested Development Movie
Jeffrey Tambor Confirms Arrested Development Movie | Comedy Central Insider - The Comedy Blog for Comedy Fans
Another day, another Arrested Development cast-member claiming the movie is happening. This time it's Jeffrey Tambor, who offered one of the most clear and overt statements on the matter yet. “After months of speculation, I think we have finally figured out for sure that we are indeed doing an Arrested Development movie," Tambor told at the premiere of Hellboy II on Sunday. "I am very excited about that. I love that cast and crew and I felt like we had more to say.""Finally." "For sure." "Indeed." Those words sound pretty definitive to me. Of course, there's still no studio greenlight as far as anyone knows, but hopefully next week the kid who played Annyong will insist the movie's bound for production.
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