Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Your Daily... April 17, 2007

The Concretes


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Blogged with Flock

Ripley's April 17

ripleys2091643070417.gif (GIF Image, 465x612 pixels)

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Andi Watson

andi watson


I've always been a fan of his. Here's a link to his blog. Check it out.


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Google Reader Theme

Google Reader Theme // journal // hicksdesign

Hicksdesign wrote a custom theme for Google Reader, influenced by the clean design of Mac applications. The theme is actually a user stylesheet that includes new icons and leaves more room for the content. It should work in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Camino, Omniweb

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FoxyTunes Planet launches

Each page on FoxyTunes Planet aggregates music information and rich media from all around the Web and allows you to instantly access all the great things that are out there – be it artist radio stations, recommendation services, videos, photos, reviews and so on.

FoxyTunes Blog » FoxyTunes Planet launches

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