Monday, January 08, 2007

Your Daily... for Jan. 8, 2007

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Ripley's Jan. 8

ripleys27330500070108.gif (GIF Image, 465x617 pixels)

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Simpsons Anime

The Simpsonzu by *spacecoyote on deviantART

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McGruff - Crime Dog commercial - 1981

McGruff - Crime Dog commercial - 1981

YouTube - McGruff - Crime Dog commercial - 1981

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Indiana Jones to Start Production

In a long-awaited announcement, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg revealed today that the fourth installment of Indiana Jones will begin production in June 2007. Harrison Ford returns in his role as the daring Dr. Jones for the new adventure. The film will be produced by Lucasfilm Ltd., directed by Steven Spielberg and released by Paramount Pictures throughout the world in May 2008.

Lucasfilm: Pressroom | The World's Favorite Action Hero is Back! Indiana Jones to Start Production in 2007

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Pencil Art

It's Knuttz - Pencil Art

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