Microsoft and Linux together
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technorati tags:pop-culture, technology
A podcast/weblog of items on the internet I come across that interest
me while I'm having my morning coffee.
linux-detergent.jpg (JPEG Image, 638x482 pixels)
technorati tags:pop-culture, technology
Posted by Tom Ray at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Section: pop-culture
Scientists have grown human sperm cells from bone marrow, it emerged last night.They say this may lead to groundbreaking treatment for thousands of men, including cancer patients left sterile by chemotherapy.But the technique provoked an ethical storm and could soon be jettisoned by the Government over concerns about the safety of using artificial sperm.Critics said the treatment threatened to breach moral boundaries as it would effectively lead to men being made redundant.The technique, which could be adapted to help female infertility by growing eggs in a lab, would raisethe prospect of children being born through entirely artificial means.
Women to self-create | The Daily Telegraph
technorati tags:technology, current events
Posted by Tom Ray at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Section: technology
Amarok itself has only two projects, but they are both quite useful at this critical phase of Amarok 2.0 development.The accepted projects are: * Leo Franchi - Web Services Integration. Amarok's integration with Wikipedia, and lyric fetching comprise some of its most unique features. This summer when Leo isn't relaxing on a beautiful Italian beach, he will be integrating these features into Amarok 2.0 and allowing new services (such as guitar tabs) to be easily added.
Accepted Projects - Web Services and Playlist Redesign | Amarok - Rediscover your music
technorati tags:technology
Posted by Tom Ray at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Section: music, technology