Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ghoul a Go GO

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Put A Head On A Stick And Have A Party!

Ghoul A-Go-Go is the world's only Monster Musical Kiddie Show. Click here to see it.

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Your Daily... Weekend Roundup Show Oct. 18, 2008

A show were Dexter and I talk about the posts for the past week. (half way through we have a microphone problem but we fix it after a few seconds)

Download: YourDaily081018.mp3

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CopyChars Characters - icons for messages

CopyChars is designed to be an easy resource for copying and pasting special characters that can be a nuisance to find on your keyboard. There are also characters that you use all the time, just incase you need them.
CopyChars Characters » Home
I recently joined and when you use it to post a song to twitter it shows a ♫ I was wondering how to do this. Well this site has that and more you just copy the symbol and paste it in your message. Simple.
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