Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Your Daily... for Nov. 21, 2006

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Tiny Masters of Today

Ripley's Nov.21


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Hokey Pokey Smokey Show Nov. 21, 2006 on Odeo

Audio Image
Here is a Thanksgiving themed show from The Mel Blanc Show titled “Thanksgiving Party” from November 1946.Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

Hokey Pokey Smokey Show Nov. 21, 2006 on Odeo

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Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art

The purpose of the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art will be the collection, preservation, study, education, and display of comic and cartoon art. Every genre of the art will be represented: animation, anime, cartoons, comic books, comic strips, gag cartoons, humorous illustration, illustration, political illustration, editorial cartoons, caricature, graphic novels, sports cartoons, and computer-generated art.


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RIAA Toilet Paper

Nothing compares with the way it feels when that text slides across your butt.

J!NX - RIAA Toilet Paper (1 roll)

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vibration headset

N.Tech presented 'VIBE NVP 100', a vibration headset during Next Generation Computing Show 2006, which enables you to listen to music through the rear of ear instead of inserting the headphone into your ear.

AVING USA - Global News Network

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Tommy Lee Joins the Clothing "Revolution"

a line of jeans, t-shirts, hats, and hoodies with sections of Lee's numerous tattoos - from stars to koi to dragons - artfully placed, making non-tattooed fans feel like a part of the rock 'n roll gestalt that Lee embodies.

Tommy Lee Joins the Clothing "Revolution"

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