Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Panda Band

Ripley's Dec. 28

ripleys2006152711228.gif (GIF Image, 465x612 pixels)


Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett on the Culture Show

YouTube - Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett on the Culture Show

Belated Holiday Cartoon


TV Links

TV Links

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Busy travelers snap up iPods from Hartsfield vending machines

A sophisticated robotic arm gently guides the mini-music machine to the buyer's hands."We've done about $55,000 in a month in gross sales just for the one on Concourse A," said Leopold, executive vice-president and owner Business Traveler Services. "This is becoming the future for some high-end products in places like airports where space is at a premium."

Busy travelers snap up iPods from Hartsfield vending machines |

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