Friday, September 14, 2007

I can ace this quiz,
Name? George Bush. Age? 61.
Sex? Like a rabbit.

Blogged with Flock

DEAD IN THE NOW - comic book preview

First two pages of an 8-page movie-trailer-esque preview of the comic-- it's called DEAD IN THE NOW.
reyyy: Eat Crow

Blogged with Flock

Wubi - The Easiest Way to Linux

ubuntu desktop
Wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users that will bring you into the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other application. If you heard about Linux and Ubuntu, if you wanted to try them but you were afraid, this is for you.
Wubi - The Easiest Way to Linux

Blogged with Flock

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