Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd #407 "Executive Decision!"
A cartoon by yours truly is up and running on the website.
Check it out.technorati tags:video, entertainment, cartoon
A podcast/weblog of items on the internet I come across that interest
me while I'm having my morning coffee.
A cartoon by yours truly is up and running on the website.
Check it out.technorati tags:video, entertainment, cartoon
Posted by Tom Ray at 1:28 PM 1 comments
Rare Live Footage of one of the firtstanti rascism songs ever.
Posted by Tom Ray at 12:51 PM 0 comments
NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) satellites have provided the first three-dimensional images of the sun. For the first time, scientists are able to see structures in the sun's atmosphere in three dimensions. This new view will greatly aid scientists' ability to understand solar physics and there by improve space weather forecasting. The 2D image is the top view and the 3D image is the bottom view. To view this correctly, you must have 3D glasses
technorati tags:technology
Posted by Tom Ray at 12:48 PM 0 comments