Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Install the Lijit Search Wijit on your blog to give readers the most relevant results from a source they trust. YOU.
Lijit allows you to easily create your own search engine. One that searches your blog, bookmarks, photos, blogroll, and more. By offering the Lijit Search Wijit on your blog, readers can search all of YOU.
Lijit | Home

Blogged with Flock

Home Taint Removal System (H.T.R.S.)

A video my friend did for a local Wis-Kino presentation.

haha. dork.

Check it out.

Spaz - A Twitter Client for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux

Spaz.AIR - Your Special Twitter Friend
Spaz is a free Twitter client for Mac, Windows and Linux. The current version, known as Spaz.AIR, uses the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR).
funkatron.com : Spaz - A Twitter Client for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux

Blogged with Flock

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