Thursday, July 26, 2007

Faceball: your face, our balls

Faceball: your face, our balls

A new game. Go to the site and watch the instructional video.

Recycling Your Gum (TreeHugger)

Sure, it's nothing ground-breaking or even particularly innovative; given its sheer ease-of-use and practicality, however, should that even really matter? Two companies, Canadian Envyrobubble and British Gummy Bins, have come out with a neat solution to our chronic chewing gum littering situation: little collection bins designed for public spaces that can hold 250 - 1,000 pieces of gum each. While we often tend to focus on the bigger items littering our streets and parks — soda cans, food wrappers, etc — discarded chewing gum can become a serious problem requiring a lot of man-hours and cash to remove.
Recycling Your Gum (TreeHugger)

Gmail: A Behind the Scenes Video

Embedded Video

Add your clip to this video

Help us imagine how an email message travels around the world. Take a look at the collaborative video we started, and then film what happens next. We'll rotate a selection of the clips we receive on this page, and add the best ones to the video. The final video will be featured on the Gmail homepage and seen by users worldwide.

All it takes is a video camera, the Gmail M-velope ( ), and some creativity.

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